
The purpose of this library is to provide a well-structured JSON data format for a wide variety of ad-hoc correction factors encountered in a typical HEP analysis and a companion evaluation tool suitable for use in C++ and python programs. Here we restrict our definition of correction factors to a class of functions with scalar inputs that produce a scalar output.

In python, the function signature is:

from typing import Union

def f(*args: Union[str,int,float]) -> float:
    return ...

In C++, the evaluator implements this currently as:

double Correction::evaluate(const std::vector<std::variant<int, double, std::string>>& values) const;

The supported function classes include:

  • multi-dimensional binned lookups;

  • binned lookups pointing to multi-argument formulas with a restricted math function set (exp, sqrt, etc.);

  • categorical (string or integer enumeration) maps;

  • input transforms (updating one input value in place); and

  • compositions of the above.

Each function type is represented by a “node” in a call graph and holds all of its parameters in a JSON structure, described by the JSON schema. Possible future extension nodes might include weigted sums (which, when composed with the others, could represent a BDT) and perhaps simple MLPs.

The tool should provide:

  • standardized, versioned JSON schemas;

  • forward-porting tools (to migrate data written in older schema versions); and

  • a well-optimized C++ evaluator and python bindings (with numpy vectorization support).

This tool will definitely not provide:

  • support for TLorentzVector or other object-type inputs (such tools should be written as a higher-level tool depending on this library as a low-level tool)

Formula support currently includes a mostly-complete subset of the ROOT library TFormula class, and is implemented in a threadsafe standalone manner. The parsing grammar is formally defined and parsed through the use of a header-only PEG parser library. The supported features mirror CMSSW’s reco::formulaEvaluator and fully passes the test suite for that utility with the purposeful exception of the TMath:: namespace. The python bindings may be able to call into numexpr, though, due to the tree-like structure of the corrections, it may prove difficult to exploit vectorization at levels other than the entrypoint.

Indices and tables